Spanish Air… This was a place calling to a person and I didn’t know how special she was to me at the time. I fucked up hard and nearly nearly fucked it up for good… but she’s cool… so we made it.
I thought we would part leaving a spillage of bad blood but when someone fights for you even though you where wrong, it makes you think.
Spanish air is an apology… I’m sorry babe.
Dimaggio Jones
Dimaggio Jones are an electro indie / dream pop band formed in 2017 in Lincoln, Lincolnshire consisting of Joseph Flynn, Joe Devlin, Ethan Holmes and Hugh Boyd.
The name and history of “DiMaggio Jones” was taken from a psychedelic rock band also known as…Dimaggio Jones.
The original D-J formed in the 1970’s in NYC but after travelling the USA their time as DiMaggio Jones sadly came to an end.
One of the originals from the 1970’s Dimaggio Jones was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. After his time away in the USA the irishman headed to the United Kingdom and eventually to Lincoln where Dimaggio Jones would one day be reborn… And was…
The Dimaggio Jones of today has grown over the last year as time was set aside to experiment and find something new. D-J take inspiration from many different musical arenas and all come from different backgrounds within art. D-J as a whole pool their own individualities, characteristics, traits and idiosyncrasies together to create something unique.
Joseph Flynn - “I get my inspiration from my real life experiences, situations presented, the people I know and characters met. Vintage influences from eras gone, plus genres from jazz and pop”.
Joe Devlin - “I’m influenced by songs and sounds rather than artists but I listen to mainly indie… pop? Or French electro? Thats what really get me hard".
Ethan Holmes - “Old Stuff? Muddy Waters”?
Hugh Boyd - “Through secondary school pop punk and demo was my life… and still is really. Now and then I whack a bit of thrash metal on to clear my cobwebs”.